12th Commerce Important 1 Mark Questions With Answers

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12th Commerce Important 1 Mark Questions With Answers

12th Commerce Important 1 Mark Questions English Medium. 12th Commerce Important One Marks Public Exam Questions and answer key. Class 1 to 12 All Subject Book Back Answers.  

12th Commerce - Answer all the following Questions. (50 x 1 = 50)

1. Dividing the work into small tasks is known as
(a) Discipline (b) Unity (c) Division of work (d) Equity

2. Which of the following is not a main function?
(a) Decision-making (b) Planning (c) Organising (d) Staffing
3. Delegation of Authority is Easily Done with the Help of _________
(a) MBM (b) MBE (c) MBO (d) MBA

4. Capital market is a market for
(a) Short Term Finance (b) Medium Term Finance (c) Long Term Finance (d) Both Short Term and Medium Term Finance

5. Spot Market is a market where the delivery of the financial instrument and payment of cash occurs
(a) Immediately (b) In the future (c) Uncertain (d) After one month

6. Participants in the capital market includes
(a) Individuals (b) Corporate (c) Financial Institutions (d) All of the above

7. The _______ was set up by a premier financial institution to allow the trading of securities across the electronic counters throughout the country.
(a) OTCEI (b) Factoring (c) Mutual Funds (d) Venture Funds Institutions

8. The money invested in the call money market provides high liquidity with _______
(a) Low Profitability (b) High Profitability (c) Limited Profitability (d) Medium Profitability

9. Debt Instruments are issued by Corporate Houses are raising short-term financial resources from the money market are called _____
(a) Treasury Bills (b) Commercial Paper (c) Certificate of Deposit (d) Government Securities

10. There are _____ stock exchange in the country.
(a) 21 (b) 24 (c) 20 (d) 21

11. Jobbers transact in a stock exchange
(a) For their Clients (b) For their Own Transactions (c) For other Brokers (d) For other Members

12. Registering and controlling the functioning of collective investment schemes as _____
(a) Mutual Funds (b) Listing (c) Rematerialisation (d) Dematerialization

13. Trading is dematerialized shares commenced on the NSE is ______
(a) January 1996 (b) June 1998 (c) December 1996 (d) December 1998

14. Human resource is a ______ asset.
(a) Tangible (b) Intangible (c) Fixed (d) Current

15. Human Resource management is both _____ and ______
(a) Science and art (b) Theory and practice (c) History and Geography (d) None of the above

16. Advertisement is a ______ source of recruitment
(a) internal (b) external (c) agent (d) outsourcing

17. E-recruitment is possible only through ___ facility.
(a) Computer (b) Internet (c) Broadband (d) 4G

18. Selection is usually considered as a _________ process
(a) Positive (b) Negative (c) Natural (d) None of these

19. Which of the following test is used to measure the various characteristics of the candidate?
(a) Physical Test (b) Psychological Test (c) Attitude Test (d) Proficiency tests

20. ______is useful to prevent skill obsolescence of employees
(a) Training (b) Job analysis (c) Selection (d) Recruitment

21. The marketer initially wants to know in the marketing is_______
(a) Qualification of the customer (b) Quality of the product (c) Background of the customers (d) Needs of the customers

22. Who is supreme in the Market?
(a) Customer (b) Seller (c) Wholesaler (d) Retailer

23. Marketing mix means a marketing program that is offered by a firm to its target ________ to earn profits through satisfaction of their wants
(a) Wholesaler (b) Retailer (c) Consumer (d) Seller

24. Which is gateway to internet?
(a) Portal (b) CPU (c) Modem (d) Webnaire

25. Pure play retailers are called
(a) Market creators (b) Transaction brokers (c) Merchants (d) Agents

26. The term 'consumerism' came into existence in the year ________.
(a) 1960 (b) 1957 (c) 1957 (d) 1958

27. Who is the father of Consumer Movement?
(a) Mahatma Gandhi (b) Mr. Ihon F.Kennedy (c) Ralph Nader (d) Jawaharlal Nehru

28. Which of the following is not a consumer right summed up by John F. Kennedy
(a) Right to safety (b) Right to choose (c) Right to consume (d) Right to be informed

29. The Chairman of the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Council is ________.
(a) Serving or Retired judge of the Supreme Court of India (b) Prime Minister (c) President of 
India (d) None of the above

30. The State Commission can entertain complaints where the value of the goods or services and the compensation, if any claimed exceed
(a) Rs. 2 lakhs but does not exceed Rs.5 lakhs (b) Rs.20 lakhs but does not exceed Rs.1 crore (c) Rs. 3 lakhs but does not exceed Rs. 5 lakhs (d) Rs. 4 lakhs but does not exceed Rs. 20 lakhs

31. GST stands for ________.
(a) Goods and Supply Tax (b) Government Sales Tax (c) Goods and Services Tax (d) General Sales Tax

32. Macro Environment of business is an _________ factor.
(a) Non-economic (b) Economic (c) Controllable (d) Uncontrollable

33. ________ means permitting the private sector to setup industries which were previously 
reserved for public sector.
(a) Liberalisation (b) Privatisation (c) Globalisation (d) Public Enterprise

34. _______ results from the removal of barriers between national economies to encourage the flow of goods, services, capital and labour.
(a) Privatisation (b) Liberalisation (c) Globalisation (d) Foreign Trade

35. In case of the sale, the ___________ has the right to sell
(a) Buyer (b) Seller (c) Hirer (d) Consignee

36. The property in the goods means the
(a) Possession of goods (b) Custody of goods (c) Ownership of goods (d) Both (a) and (b)

37. Negotiable Instrument Act was passed in the year _________
(a) 1981 (b) 1881 (c) 1994 (d) 1818

38. Number of parties in a bill of exchange are
(a) 2 (b) 6 (c) 3 (d) 4

39. What are the characteristics of an entrepreneur?
(a) Spirit of enterprice (b) Flexibility (c) Self Confidence (d) All of the above

40. Which of the below is not classified into managerial functions?
(a) Planning (b) Marketing (c) Organizing (d) Controlling

41. Corporate Entrepreneur is also called as _________
(a) Intrapreneur (b) Promoter (c) Manager (d) Shareholder

42. Which of these is based on Technology?
(a) Modern (b) Professional (c) Corporate (d) Industrial

43. The ___________ initiative was launched to modernize the Indian economy to make all governments services available electronically.
(a) Standup India (b) Startup India (c) Digital India (d) Make in India

44. _____ has to include the mechanism for managing venture in the project report.
(a) Banker (b) Government (c) Lending Institutions (d) Entrepreneur

45. How does a person who envisages the idea to form a company called?
(a) Director (b) Company Secretary (c) Registar (d) Promoter

46. Which of the following types of shares are issued by a company to raise capital from the existing shareholders?
(a) Equity Shares (b) Right Shares (c) Preference Shares (d) Bonus Shares

47. A person Shall hold office as a director in ___________companies as per the Companies Act, 2013.
(a) 5 companies (b) 10 companies (c) 20 companies (d) 15 companies

48. A Private Company shall have a minimum of_____________
(a) Seven directors (b) Five directors (c) Three directors (d) Two directors

49. Who is not entitled to speak at the annual general meeting of the company.
(a) Auditor (b) Shareholder (c) Proxy (d) Director

50. From the date of its incorporation, the First Annual General Meeting is to be conducted within____________ months.
(a) Twelve (b) Fifteen (c) Eighteen (d) Twenty one


  1. (c) Division of work
  2. (a) Decision-making
  3. (c) MBO
  4. (c) Long Term Finance
  5. (a) Immediately
  6. (d) All of the above
  7. (a) OTCEI
  8. (a) Low Profitability
  9. (b) Commercial Paper
  10. (b) 24
  11. (b) For their Own Transactions
  12. (a) Mutual Funds
  13. (c) December 1996
  14. (b) Intangible
  15. (a) Science and art
  16. (b) external
  17. (b) Internet
  18. (b) Negative
  19. (b) Psychological Test
  20. (a) Training
  21. (d) Needs of the customers
  22. (a) Customer
  23. (c) Consumer
  24. (c) Modem
  25. (b) Transaction brokers
  26. (a) 1960
  27. (c) Ralph Nader
  28. (c) Right to consume
  29. (a) Serving or Retired judge of the Supreme Court of India
  30. (b) Rs.20 lakhs but does not exceed Rs.1 crore
  31. (c) Goods and Services Tax
  32. (d) Uncontrollable
  33. (b) Privatisation
  34. (c) Globalisation
  35. (b) Seller
  36. (c) Ownership of goods
  37. (b) 1881
  38. (c) 3
  39. (d) All of the above
  40. (c) Organizing
  41. (c) Manager
  42. (c) Corporate
  43. (c) Digital India
  44. (d) Entrepreneur
  45. (d) Promoter
  46. (b) Right Shares
  47. (c) 20 companies
  48. (d) Two directors
  49. (c) Proxy
  50. (c) Eighteen

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