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10th English Unit 1 POEM
Assignment Answers TN SCERT
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10th English Poem Assignment Answers
10th Standard English Unit 1 TN SCERT Assignment Answer key.
10th ENGLISH - UNIT 1 - POEM TN SCERT Unit 1 Answers
- Class: 10th
- Subject: English | POEM
- Unit 1 - POEM – LIFE
Part - A
One Mark Questions
1) Read the following lines from the poem and answer the questions given below
a) Let me but live my life from year to year, with forward face and
unreluctant soul.
i) Whom does the word „me‟ refer to?
- ‘Me’ refers to the poet, Henry Van Dyke.
ii) Select the right meaning of „forward‟_________ (ahead/backward)
iii) Give the opposite of the word „unreluctant‟
b) New friendship high adventure, and a crown, my heart will keep the courage of
the quest
iv) Choose the meaning of „crown‟_________ (feeling happy, feeling sad)
v) Find out the meaning of „quest‟___________ (displeased, search)
Part – B
II. Answer the following in a sentence.
i) So let the way winds up the hill or down O‟er rough or smooth, the journey will be joy; still seeking what I sought when but a boy. New friendship, high adventures, and a crown.
1) How is the way of life?
- The way of life will not be smooth. There will be ups and down.
2) How should be the journey of life?
- Life should be joyful
3) What did the poet seek as a boy?
- As a boy, the poet sought new friendship, a new adventure, and a crown.
Part – C
III. Write in Detail
1) Quote from memory
Let me ------------
----------- back in fear
2) Describe the journey of life as depicted in the poem by Henry Van Dyk
Henry Van Dyke, one of the greatest American short story writers and poets, has surpassed the act of writing skillfully. ‘Life’ is no doubt one of his priced literary pieces. This poem is a pinnacle of expressive embarkment on the quest of self-revival from the glum beats of monotony. It has a very deep and farsighted meaning held within it and this is evident from the very beginning of the poem. The poem is the poet’s own reflection on his life and tells his point of view on the more important things in life.
The poet advises readers from his life experiences. We feel that he is now an older man reflecting on his younger days. Through his words, he is explaining to us what he is taking away as most important to live is the best life possible. Life is too short to get caught up in the moment or worry about the past. On the other hand, it suggests that we look forward to what the future holds. We sometimes find ourselves brooding on the bad times and we forget about how much good there is in the future. The poet is making us understand this concept and be more aware of reality.
“Life is short and if we enjoy every moment of every day,
We will be happy no matter what happens or changes our way!”
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